Saturday, September 14, 2013


God you are really stretching me, finding my way through technology has been quite challenging. Being physically interactive comes easy to me.  I'm learning that there are so many avenues for research. I'm thankful, and appreciative, but there are times, I feel I'm going in circles.  How much time should I focus on the plethora amount of resources I'm given? How do I filter all the information given to me to in order to apply specifically for my needs at my current stage? Knowing I've got to seize the moment while I can.

This morning during my meditation, God reminded that this is a journey, not a race. With the Holy Spirit's help, my ancestors will guide me. I'm learning to be patient with myself and let people in.

So, today I will:

  • Sit down and organize all the family information I have this far so that I can post
  • Determine how much time and when I'm going to devote on this project
  • Accept help, no I don't like feeling helpless and yes I like being in control
  • Enjoy this journey
  • Learn how to navigate and change my settings on Basecamp
  • Accept my blog design and content for right now-Thank you Tia
  • Not compare myself to others who have been doing this for a long time


  1. I know I keep saying it Cousin, but I am so proud of you! Would you have ever thought when you sent that email in February 2011 that we'd be here today?

    God is stretching you, but the Ancestors are working hard as well to connect the family dots. It's on us now to finish their work.

    With Mama gone & the journey ahead, I'm so blessed to have found my Family. I looked for Ailey for a very, very long time and have received so much more than I could have EVER dreamed.

    Love & with you all the way...


  2. It's really amazing how you two found each other and where you've taken your searches since then.

  3. Simply beautiful the power of the Spirit!! And your page is amazing,
